What a day for a great cause to lovely Lyn’s hospice
Cheers Lyn your the best xx
Lovely picture years ago of lovely Lyn and her hubby Andy who she adored where did the years go
Lyn 2 (2)
Lyn 3 (2)
lyn1 (2)
IMG 3546
IMG 8612
lyn5 (2)
lyn5 (3)
lyn5 (4)
Lyn6 (2)
Lyn6 (3)
Lyn6 (4)
My 50th nine years ago we had a lovely day just us four sisters in London it is a very special memory in my heart
A family get together at cousin Barry’s
Lizzy day 1
Best of friends forever
The last thing we did together 💔
Lyn and family at our wedding back in 2019 x
Tina and Daves wedding shared with my sisters
Ignore previous this is Tina and Daves wedding the other one was Sandra’s I clicked the wrong photo sorry Sandra
Me, Lyn & Les
Thinking of you all ♥️
That smile 🥰
Never a truer love 💗
Cousins-Sue, Lyn, Tina, Sandra, Joanne and Barry
sisterly love-Susan, Lynda and Tina-not sure where I am :)
Sisters having fun at Mike and Laurens wedding in 2019-arent we just rocking that look!
Lyn's pout-Jenny teaching her mum how to pout for a selfie
Lyn and Sue before hairdressers were open :)
Sues hen do
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952FB63F 4EC3 4DF8 B710 52BBC71CBC18
After our 1st Outstanding Ofsted Inspection January 1998 at St. Wilfrids Early Years Centre.
Devon and Cornwall 1979
Goodbye to a dear sister who will be sadly missed
029ED319 57A2 4618 9FD3 788FA5BEBFA1
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Love to a special auntie x
Love from your sisters x
I can’t believe Lyn a week has gone since that awful day last week it’s starting to sink in I won’t see or hear you again it’s very painful. We are now all starting the grieving process miss you 😢 x
CCA39682 412B 4C2F 98C8 3E36F9083B99
Thinking of you both on your anniversary wish we could see you both together in person xx
Us three sisters still miss you dearly xxx
Hi Lyn couldn’t tell you about my holiday so I shared a photo miss our texts and chats x