Hi Lyn I can’t talk to you anymore or leave a message but I can send a thought. We are all getting older and we look back at where did our life go. Did we appreciate time I don’t no if we did .I just feel very lucky and privaliged to have the last few months to be able to let you no how adored you was by your three sisters.We put our heart and soul putting your last few months with you. As terribly sad it was we were very lucky to have shared this awful experience with you. It enabled us to tell you everyday how much we love you. We miss you so much and at times I have to remind myself that god has taken you in his arms and led you to a pain free place.I wish I could talk to you again my thoughts will always be with you and we are dreading the final goodbye on the 17th. I look up at night in the sky thinking where are you are you the brightest star or the biggest angel. You still are here in your children grandchildren and your sisters. Sleep tight look over all of us especially Andy who misses you very much the children and grandchildren to.Until we meet again you will always be in my heart love you sis. Xxx