Neil 17th June 2021

Dearest Lyn, i was so blessed to spend time with you before rehearsals, sometimes an hour together before anyone else arrived and i was able to share so much with you and your hugs and advice always gave me the peace i needed in my mind and heart and it was such an honour to sit next to you and play guitar and sing with you in Worship of The Lord, always putting your arm around me when you realised i was nervous. Thank you for caring in the special way you did, no hug like a Lyn hug, you touched my life in such a huge way and will be forever present in my heart. The last time we played as a worship team was March 15th 2020, My Birthday and because of covid you got me a few lovely gifts, one of them being your spare bottle of antibac gel lol, as well as a cup with my initial on and a lovely little mirror saying "Bless This House And All Who Enter It" and i will forever treasure it along with the wonderful memories of you and your amazing strength. When we rehearsed together on March 17th 2 days later and we realised that covid would stop us, we were just finishing up and you said lets go out in style so we sang I Exalt Thee. You sent me such a loving whatsapp message on 22nd of March this year after finding out i was traumatised and said "Neil i still have time to worry about you Xxxxxx You Will Survive. Love you xx" And considering what you were going through you still sent me that loving message just says it all, Heaven has recieved a wonderful loving person, Love you very much, From Neil S.