Beautiful Lyn

Created by Julie 3 years ago

I first met Lyn in the 80’s , I used to attend Ventnor Baptist Church with my mum and 2 of my sons , one sunday there was a new family sitting behind us and after the service Andy lent forward and introduced us to himself , Lyn , Charlie and Steven and that was the beginging of a long friendship , the children went to the same pre school , mother and toddler groups etc , Lyn went on to have Jenny & Matt and i went on to have my 3rd son Lewis. 
Life with young children and not a lot of money was sometimes tough , we used to ring each other sometimes and help each other out with packed  lunches etc for the children , thats what friends are for Lyn would say and Lyn was only to happy to help out not just me but anyone she could, always putting others before herself.

I remember sundays standing on the sidelines of a very cold football pitch shouting our sons on and being very proud of them , while Andy would tell the ref some home truths about his refging skills !

When my grandson was due to start nursery my son said he is only going if Lyn Porter looks after him , which she did.

I could go on , as i have so many lovely memories, but Lyn is trully one of a kind a besutiful person , inside and out, the most unselfish person I have ever met.

She will be greatly missed and remembered not just by me but many.

Goodnight my beautiful friend xx