Great blessing

Created by Dorothy 3 years ago
I first met Lyn when she was 15 years old. Having just left school she came to work at the hairdressers next door to the Estate Agents  office where I worked in Leyton High Road. We became friends as she shampooed my hair every week.  Little did either of us know then how our lives would entwine over the next  45 years and what a blessing I received from that first time of our meeting.  There was a flat above the salon where Andrew lived with several of his mates. At weekends when Andrew was at home, he would see Lyn as she hung towels out to dry in the garden.  Move on a short while and a few dates later Andrew fell in love with Lyn and he proposed to her.  So dear Lyn became my daughter in law. Forget the daughter in law part of this title because she very soon became the daughter  I never  had.  I loved her dearly she was such a special  caring person.   

I am heartbroken that Lyn had to endure so much pain in the last few months when cancer took it's hold on her. There is no way she deserved this, but my love for her is eternal, I know that from time to time I will feel her presence and she is only a heart beat away. It does make me wonder though why at 91 years of age I'm still here when Lyn who had so much more to give has been taken from us.  Rest in peace dear one until we meet  again. You were a great blessing.