Being the youngest of four girls, I looked up to all my sisters and I want to share some of my memories.
Lyn the teacher-Lyn decided to teach me how to swim by throwing me in the deep end of an outdoor swimming pool and she told me to 'just flap around' However, she did also rescue me when my 'flapping around' nearly drowned me.
Lyn the carer-when I was pushed into some stinging nettles by someone who I wont name (tiny hint it was one of my other sisters) Lyn soothed my legs with dock leaves and helped me back to our aunts house
Lyn the provider-I was mad about the group haircut 100 but I could never afford the magazines or posters so Lyn used to buy them for me and just leave them on my bed.
Lyn the mini mum-Lyn helped me get my first Saturday job in the sweet shop in Hainault road and she used to make me bacon sandwiches for lunch. She chose to be available each Saturday so we could spend some time together. She always showed she cared by showing an interest in school work and she took time to listen about whatever was going on at the time. Lyn's hugs and reassurance always made me feel safe.
Lyn the cook-Lyn introduced my oldest daughter Hayley to curry (which I have never been able to compete with). They were absolutely delicious and homely. I used to watch in amazement as Lyn whipped up an amazing meal with just a few ingredients. Lyn was not scared to experiment with flavors.
Lyn the gamer-Lyn hated monopoly but enjoyed a game of spoons! If anyone reading this doesn't know how to play spoons, us sisters can teach you, but be warned, it can get violent!
Lyn my sister-I could not of asked for a better sister, Lyn was kind, patient, hilarious, generous and down to earth. She could laugh at herself and always saw the good in people. We had such great fun as sisters, there was times of real belly laughs, giggles, silliness and fun. All four of us have a similar sense of humor so we can just look at something and start giggling. Having sisters in the best thing in the world.
I will never get over losing my sister Lyn, but I take some comfort that I have so many fond memories. I take comfort that I had the privilege of knowing Lynda and that she lives on in her beautiful children and grandchildren. I take comfort that Lynda found the man of her dreams and that she had a great marriage and a family life that she craved so much. I take comfort that she found her religious path which offered her a sense of security and belonging. I take comfort that everyone who met Lyn, adored her, she enriched so many lives and helped so many. My sister was truly amazing, she was a free spirit, an amazing mother and grandmother, a precious daughter to Dot, the best wife to Andy and a truly awesome sister. Gone but certainly not forgotten. xx