IOW holidays

Created by Tina 3 years ago

Us four sisters grew up together in many houses and happy and not so happy times. We always had a special bond through growing up in between the giggles squabbles tears and laughter. As we got older we all went our seperate ways through marriages and we saw each other less but we were always there for each other. As we all got families we had special holidays over at Lyns. We have lots of lovely memories  as families lots of giggles and laughs. The cousins have grown up together on the island. 
My most memorable memory will now always be the walk for Lyn weekend. It is one of my proudest moments that I shared with Lyn .I organised the fundraising so lyn could be a part of it ,it motivated her she could see all the lovely messages and how much was being raised. She was a inspirational to others and that was famtastic to share with her .Most importantly the family was with her for her

60 th birthday and that meant alot to her, even family members who couldnt come over supported the walk so they was a part of it.

The best part was seeing her lovely smiley face with her Baileys and how happy she was that we all conpleted the walk. 
The walk gave us quality time the next day to spend with her and sadly it was to be the last time we saw her. We had a super unforgettable few hours with her. We talked shared memories laughed giggled and  cried together as sisters. Lyn asked us to listen to Pie  Jeus together holding hands what a poweful and sad moment . She shut her eyes while we listened we had tears but she had the biggest smile at the end and she said thank you . I will never ever forget my special times with Lyn and my IOW holidays she will always be in my heart and mind . My only negative is  she went to early to be with god we still needed her here she hadnt finished life and we hadnt finished living it with her. Love you Lyn I look up to the sky every night and look for you as the brightest star love Tina xxxxx